Investment options

The investment options are covered further in the Member Investment Guide to allow you to choose either of the following options:

“Do It For Me” which is the default option

Do it for me is designed for those who:

  • Do not feel comfortable making regular investment decisions.

  • Do not want to review their investment selection regularly as they approach retirement.

  • Would prefer to select an automated approach that switches their funds for them into less risky funds (like bonds and cash) as they approach retirement as follows:

“Do It Myself” which allows you to take control of your investment choices

Do it myself is designed for those who:

  • Want greater control over their pension investments.

  • Understand investment decision making and are comfortable with the idea of selecting investment funds.

  • Are happy to review their investment approach regularly, taking particular care as they approach retirement.

  • Want access to specific investments.

  • Know how they would like to take their benefits at retirement (cash, pension, ARF).

Links to the factsheets for the different funds are provided below: