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Welcome to Diageo Pensions

This is the site for all members of Diageo's UK and Ireland pension schemes. Please select the pension scheme or plan which you are a member of, from the menu or selection below.

Employee In Conversation

DB Pension Scheme - UK

Capita is the administrator for the UK DB pension scheme - Diageo Pension Scheme (including the Lifestyle Section). The contact details for all queries regarding this Scheme is shown below.

Non Pensioners
UK: 0333 220 0259 (from UK)
Ireland: +353 (0) 15268640
Contact the team
UK: 0333 222 0086 (from UK)
Ireland: +353 (0) 15268759
Contact the team

For all communications you should quote your member number, NI number or date of birth.

Diageo Pension Scheme

Diageo Pension Scheme

This is Diageo’s UK final salary pension scheme which closed to new members on 22 September 2005.

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Diageo Early Career Opportunities

Diageo Pension Scheme - Lifestyle Section

Previously Diageo Lifestyle Plan - This is Diageo’s UK defined benefit pension scheme which launched on 6 April 2006.

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DB Pension Schemes - RoI

Mercer is the administrator for the RoI DB pension schemes. The contact details for all queries regarding these Schemes are shown below.

Non Pensioners

Tel: 01-5255336
Contact the team

Tel: 01-5255336
Contact the team

For all communications you should quote your member number, PPS number or date of birth.

Guinness Storehouse0

Guinness Ireland Group Pension Scheme

This is the final salary scheme for Diageo Ireland employees.

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Grand Metropolitan Irish Pension Fund

Grand Metropolitan Irish Pension Fund

This is the final salary scheme for Baileys employees.

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Diageo Pension Plan 

New UK Diageo employees are eligible to join the Diageo Pension Plan (DPP). Diageo will automatically enrol you in the DPP if you meet set criteria. 

Diageo pension plan (DPP)
Diageo pension plan (DPP)

Diageo Retirement Savings Plan

This is the defined contribution pension plan for employees in Ireland.